About Us



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Our Story

CoreLife Education is the result of over 25+ years of ministering to children, youth and adults through teaching, writing, mentoring, and through conducting camps, retreats, and programs.  CoreLife Education answers the dilemma of  “what happens after the program”, how can children and youth, along with their families continue growing, and learning holistically, throughout the year.  We believe CoreLife Education online is a wonderful solution for Bible-based continuing educational support for our students and clients worldwide.

Why Choose us?

CoreLife Education is unique in that it applies the most appropriate pedagogical frameworks that support and effective educational environment, while keeping the timeless principles of the love and character of God as the “core-life” of all our courses.  We believe these timeless principles aid in nourishing the holistic development of the physical, mental, and character faculties of the learner.

CoreLife Education offers simple, interactive courses to help students understand principle truths they can use for their everyday lives.  Here, students can learn for themselves, grow in essentials that matter most, and be better prepared to live life with hope, courage, determination, and a maturity beyond their years. 

So, whether students just want to study about God from His Word for themselves, learn skills needed for living, understand how to better their health, improve in core academic subjects, or find comfort for their hurting minds and hearts, etc. they will always find motivational support
at CoreLife Education.

Spirituality and religion, Hands folded in prayer on a Holy Bible in church concept for faith.

Our Core Beliefs

At Corelife Education, we believe God is the source of all true knowledge, thus the first objective of CoreLife Education is to direct learners’ minds to the principles God reveals about Himself in His Word, the Bible.  The Bible, we believe, is the perfect standard of truth, and as such, will always be given the highest place in CoreLife Education.

We believe that Jesus Christ is equally God, and it is His birth, life, death, and resurrection alone that saves us. We are created in God’s image with the power of choice. It is our right to choose to respond with faith and love, or not, to all that God has done for us in Christ. We can either choose to retain His life eternally, or to reject that most precious gift. Our responsibility at CoreLife Education is to create an online environment where the first choice is encouraged and nurtured.

We believe that Jesus created a perfect world in six days, and despite disruptive sin, He loves every person in the world, and does the utmost to draw us to Himself.  After the world witnesses His true character of love, Jesus will return for those who have chosen Him as their Lord, and He will restore the earth to the sinless paradise He intended it to be. Meanwhile it is our privilege to allow Him to have His way in our hearts and minds, and He will transform us holistically and enable us to positively contribute to the betterment of our families, our society, and our world.,

Our Vision

At CoreLife Education we believe no work ever undertaken requires greater care and skill than developing appropriate, careful, enjoyable and life transforming educational learning experiences for youth and children. Thus, as CoreLife educators, we strive for quality, accuracy, and excellence in all our content. We work with a superb team of career specialists, professionals, and active students who lend their subject expertise and advice to our course development. We are passionately committed to providing knowledge-searching-learners with courses, materials and tools that will help them improve the quality of life now and in the future.



Intentionally Strategic about Essential Learning

“After 23 years as an educator, and a recovering trauma survivor, I am realizing more and more that much of the conventional educational learning experiences offered are unable to help positively strengthen the character development of our youth and children and provide them with essential tools they need to thrive and survive during both the beautiful and dark times of life. My life passion is to create encouraging educational learning experiences that teach essential life principles that will better prepare learners to face life at its best and worst times with confidence, resilience, and hope.”

Sharon Pergerson, Founder

Enjoy our blog, where there's something for everyone.


Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
If learning is an act of exploration, then technology equips the explorer for the journey of a lifetime.      