CoreLife Educator

My name is Sharon Pergerson and I am very excited to teach classes and courses on this online learning platform. I have over twenty-two years of experience educating children, youth, and adults. I love teaching, especially online. In addition to teaching, I enjoy public speaking, traveling, reading, sewing, and walking in nature. As a teacher, I seek to provide my learners with thought-provoking, interesting, and relevant content that is presented in a fun and engaging way. For me, teaching is not only my career, it is my passion and gift, through which I want my students to come to love God, and to love learning. I am looking forward to an exciting learning adventures with both my students and their parents.

The Sky’s the Limit

I enjoy gazing up at the blue sky on a clear day. It’s almost like the sky is silently speaking to me. Yes, it is reminding me of how insignificant I am among the expanse of space above me, but it also gets me to realize something profound. No matter…

A Lesson from the Grass

There is luscious green grass everywhere, a long-awaited sight. I love to walk bare feet in it or lie on its’ soft spikes.  Most of us never think much about grass, we just know it turns brown as winter nears and it turns green in the Spring.  We take for…

“Keep the Faith”

                  There are cliché phrases so common to the Christian tongue, that their true meanings have long been lost in a maze of bewildering perceptions.  I can think about some of them, “I am a Christian,” “I’m praying for you,” and “keep the faith.” A few years ago, my children…